This play is about an eleven-year-old boy named Aidyn. Aidyn is in the sixth grade and attends a predominantly white school in an upper-class community. Since the beginning of the school year, Aidyn has been experiencing rejection and ridicule. It has gotten to the point now where he has lost his courage and confidence and doesn’t want to go back to school. Aidyn is very intelligent and has made all scholars since starting school. Even when he turns in his classwork and homework, it is always above proficiency. During his sleep one night several influential Black Americans visits him. Each with a different story. Each one has been dedicated to making change and now they continue with their work as they try to change Aidyn’s mindset and persuade him to Be Encouraged.
Chocolate sprinkles relay race,
Malted milk ball race
Chocolate mud pie dig
M&M Sorting race
and much more
As a young black man we are often perceived as angry, aggressive, dangerous, hood, or thug. These are negative terms which have unfairly coded 90% of our youth. “Distinguished Thursdays” is intended to denounce these perceptions and provide our boys with a sense of pride. Not only are they to dress to impress on Tuesdays, but they will present themselves with integrity, dignity, self-respect, and self-worth.
The Timmons Group presented information on Civil Engineering.
The young men of F.O.C.U.S. visited the Federal Reserve Bank for a session on how money is made for each state. They had the opportunity to see billions of real money.
Century Construction presented information on the Disciplines of Engineering from the ground to the air, including aviation and technology.
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